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Shane Anderson


Shane Anderson

I love dogs! My dog Phoenix saved my life more than once. There is no beating their loyalty and companionship when they give you their trust. That’s why I decided to take my love of training dogs to owners and their pups.

Back in the Midwest I studied psychology and operated several group homes. I taught life skills to developmentally disabled young men transitioning to adulthood. It was great and I loved it.

Fast forward several years and my wife and I moved to Florence, AZ. We both lost our hospitality/food service jobs due to COVID. I decided I had to pivot.

We’ve all heard the folk wisdom phrase: “If you do what you love, you’ll never work another day in your life”. I made up my mind that I would put that theory to the test by working with dogs. I’m constantly learning everything I can from the expert dog trainers and focused my love of human psychology to that of canine psychology and behavior. That unlocked a joy in my heart and I discovered what my purpose was. My mission became helping to create as many well balanced packs in my community as possible. Helping humans and their furry family members understand and communicate better is the most fulfilling pursuit I’ve had in life.

In addition to doing what I love, I am also an AKC Certified Evaluator and 1 of 3 training partners in the state that has the honor of working with the Arizona Border Collie Rescue.

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