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Drop-in Care

The fee schedule is as follows: $60/day for the first dog, $10/day each additional dog and $30 for each overnight stay.


When you have to travel without your pets, hire the DogDude™️ to provide their care. We are bonded and insured.

Our Drop In Care program is carefully crafted with the latest scientific research in canine psychology and behavior. It is designed to relieve both you and your pets’ anxieties; and to give you confidence when you travel, knowing that your pets are being very well cared for. You’ll always know when we arrive, when we leave, and you’ll receive thorough communication as well as great pictures and videos of our time with your pets.

When it comes to caring for your pets, quality of time spent matters much more for your dog’s peace of mind than quantity of time spent. And DogDude™️ makes the quality time count!

Your dogs will get walked each morning for about 25 minutes (minimum, but usually longer). At lunchtime we’ll engage their minds with “Brain Games” (fun game based activities always with an emphasis on obedience skills) and “couch time” (affection if and how the dog wants it), and as long as it’s not too hot we’ll walk them again in the evening. All of these activities are designed to be fully engaged with your dogs and vice versa. We make our time count so that when your dogs see us walk through the door, they know something great for them is about to happen. By doing this, your dogs will go into a “standby state” when we leave and until we walk through the door again.

It really is like a stay-at-home summer camp for your dogs where they are already most comfortable and least anxious.

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